Warren Yamada - Team
David Kong -
Cliff Inouye
Jo Ann Dowling
Patti Kuniyuki
Gary Gardner
Ed Saoit
Kevin Shimoda
Matt Masuda
Miles Yoshida
Terry Seguritan - R I
P 2012
Kyle Kawafuchi

Kyle Kawafuchi, Kevin Shimoda, Jo
Ann Dowling, Matt Masuda, Patti Kuniyuki, Edward Sioit, Miles
Yoshida, Clifton Inouye, David Kong, Warren Yamada, Richie Wong,
Shannon Kawamoto, Odetta Stevens - Little Rascals teammates past
and present.Alex
Seguritan, Trinity Seguritan, David Thatcher, Law Mau - I cannot
remember all the names but we are brotherhood in Terry's Ohana.
If you would like your name on here please email me and I will
add it.

Cliff - Terry - David -
Patti - Kevin - Warren |

Terry - David - Warren -
Miles |

Ed - Matt - Warren - David |

Terry - Jo Ann - Kyle |
Little Rascals Some Team