March 7, 2011
Promotions and Sponsorship
This month I am pushing for everyone to help get Kyle Kawafuchi get votes for Prilosec OTC you can vote daily every 24 hours. Read his profile help him reach his dream to get to Vegas.
This year has been really hard for many – whether they are working or not. A lot of cut backs and lay offs have affected many of us in various way like having to give up a couple of things in order to continue being able to do some of the things that we all took for granted. My agenda for this season is to help as many as I can by doing little things that might make a difference to helping people reach their goals or even helping them with difference incentives.
One of these things that I do for the people that play darts in my leagues is give them a chance to win $100 dollars off the airfare booking it with Alan Leisure Games. So I am sure that everyone that pulled a raffle ticket that was eligible by paying their fees on time before the deadline is awaiting the draw. I use and independent random number organization to draw the number. I give it the range of ticket numbers and it generates one winner. So here it is 737572 check your tickets and let me know if you are the winner and congrats in advance.
Another thing that I am promoting is myself Hawaiian Airlines Passport – the winner of this promotion gets 2 tickets to dream destination. I am hoping to win this and be able to help some dart players get to Vegas who need some extra help with airfare. Vote for me.
http://aloha.hawaiianairlines.com/app/get.php?id=8ll or go on facebook to my profile and click the like and that will cast a vote for me.
Aloha All and thank you for reading my blog,
Jo Ann Dowling
Jo Ann Dowling
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